Monday, October 13, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

Well, it's happened. I got tagged. And being the newbie that I am, I wasn't even sure what that meant! My real life friend and blog friend Maria left me a comment that tagged me to play her game. Then I'm supposed to tag six other people to play. Aaah--I get it's like...well, tag! So here's what I'm supposed to do: share 6 random facts about myself, then tag 6 other friends to play. Since I haven't got 6 friends (how pathetic am I?) I'll just share my randomness with you. Thanks, Maria, for inviting me to play!

Random Facts about Lori, in No Particular Order:
6. I'm left handed. My dad is left handed. And my grandpa was left handed. As was my great great grandpa.

5. I love researching genealogy, and I'm working on joining Daughters of the American Revolution.

4. I did not enjoy babysitting when I was younger, but I did enjoy the money.

3. One of my first jobs was cleaning toilets at a Christian camp in California, ROTC they called it...Royal Order of Toilet Cleaning. As a result, I know how to properly clean and sanitize a toilet, and I can do it fast!

2. I hate to wear makeup, with a passion, but now I try to slap some on at least on Sundays, because I'm getting...(shhh, don't tell anybody)... old.

and, drumroll please
1. My favorite color is brown! I know I'm weird! But think about it...chocolate, coffee, skin tones, trees, earth, horses, dogs, bunnies, it, I tell you!


Anonymous said...

I'm partial to brown, too, so I don't think you're wierd. My favorite color combo is chocolate brown and apple green. Or brown and aqua is nice. Or brown and orange. I declare brown the new black, right here and now.

Nice pic of you and your hubby.

Corinne said...

Hi there,
I tagged Maria and she tagged you, that's how I found your wonderful blog. Hey, I love the color brown...not as weird as you may think!! It's the new black!

Maria said...

Hey! I love brown!!!! It represents all kinds of wonderful things, and it's warm.